Saturday, April 27, 2024

Blog 6: Anti American Conservative

When reading both of these articles, I noticed a couple of differant things. the main things I saw were how polarizing and strong these articles were. the Anti War article gave stats and stressed the reasons behind why we should get out of the war in Gaza. It talked about the amount of people who were being killed and the money we are spending on war. The American conservative article was about how American agriculture went wrong and also gives a perspective from a conservative Americans point of view

Protests and Backlash | American Experience | Official Site | PBS

I think we don't hear much about Anti War voices in the news because America these sites, such as and The American Conservative aren't mainstream news sources. this means they won't get the proper funding in order to get bigger and to spread their message over a wider population. These websites and news outlets are looking at ways to find peace which for whatever reason isn't popular among the mainstream. These are the main reason I believe I have never heard of these news sources. These sites get very little views, which in turn can lead to them being censored.

I also believe that because there are so many websites, sometimes these ones discussed, can be lost in the bigger picture and difficult to find. This I think are due to political agendas that certain politicians may be pushing in order to get their point across. For example if someone on a much bigger platform such as CNN or Fox is promoting war, their voices are by default gonna beat out a smaller news sources that doesn't want war. These agendas may be pushed for economic or political gain in the future. 

I believe that in the future, if more people who are for war speak up, then more voices will be heard and we potentially could get to hear the other sides voices more often, such as the ones mentioned in these two articles. 

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Blog 7: Diffusion theory assignment

  the Wikipedia entry    The innovation I will be talking about is the iPhone. a cell phone was originally invented in 1973. Now, the mobile...