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My topic: Uses and Gratification Theory. According to an article by, the uses and gratification theory is the idea that "characterizes people as active and motivated in selecting the media they choose to consume". Its the study of the needs that make us motivate us to consume media. It was designed in the middle of the 20th century.
The main implication of this theory is that because it is very consumer oriented, it results in consumers being able to see whatever kind of content that they like very easily. This means that consumers aren't passively using media, they are actively using it and are more engaged in it.,gratification%20they%20receive%20from%20it.
This theory works because of 5 specific elements. Media use is goal oriented. Your media is selected based off what will fill your wants. Media influence on behavior is filtered through social and pysolgical factors. Media is in competition with other media for a users attention. People are in control of their media usage so they're not particularly influenced by it. This means that there cognitive needs are met, their affective needs, their need for personal identity, integration, and social interaction and escapism needs are met.
This theory might be good good because it allows people to get very easy access to whatever content they want. If they look at a "cute puppy" video on tik Tok, it fulfills their need. Overall this theory is able to effect a multitude of different needs for people. For example, it can fulfill a cognitive need. Is someone is stuck on lyrics of a song in their head, but they can't remember the name of it, they can easily look it up and find what they are looking for. The downside or criticism of this theory is that it is too broad to be considered a theory and should "only be considered an approach to media research." it also is highly individual, meaning the user doesn't have any affect on mass media.
This theory would positively affect different groups of people such as men, women, minority races, lgbtq+ community etc because it helps whatever mental need they have. It is easier than ever for all sorts of different people to "gratify" their needs with things such as google, twitter, TikTok etc.
This theory would affect, me, my family, and my generation very positively. Everyone, including myself can get easy gratification by using the many media platforms because it fulfills four different desire. In 2024, with the technology we have it it easier than ever to consume the knowledge and media we want.
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